
Showing posts from January, 2022

Working with Fork

1. Create a workflow from SWDD T.code. 2. Select the fork step from the list provided. 3. The Fork Screen looks as shown below. Fill in all the details as shown. As shown below, the Fork is used to introduce parallel branches in the workflow. Step Name : Execute Parallel. Parallel Branches : This will let us define the total number of parallel branches we want for the Fork in the workflow. Step not in workflow log : Here if we select the check box, then this will exclude the step from the workflow execution log. End Condition Section: Necessary branches : This will let us define the total mandatory branches that have to be executed to complete the execution of the Fork Step. Create a new condition : Here we can have a condition for the Fork Step to complete the execution. Important Note for End  Condition : To complete the execution of the Fork Step either all the necessary branches have to be executed OR  the condition if mentioned in the "Create a new condition" section...

Working with Multiple Condition

1. Create a workflow from SWDD T.code. 2. Create a loop( until ) step. 3. Set a counter element LV_COUNTER inside the Loop( Until ) Step.  For a Detailed Explanation on how to create a:  Loop( Until ) Step  Workflow Container Element LV_COUNTER  Set the LV_COUNTER in Loop( Until ) Step  Please Refer to points from 1 to 18:  Working with Container Operation and Loop (Until) Steps - PART1 . 4. We have to select the ‘Multiple Condition’ to create multiple branches  for execution on different conditions. 5. Multiple condition step. First we have to enter ‘step name’. Select type as ‘Switch’. And create conditions as shown below. Here we are creating three conditions.  First reminder(a branch created in workflow layout with the same description)  is sent if the value of the counter (lv_counter) is 3. Second reminder(a branch created in workflow layout with the same description)  is sent if the value of the counter (lv_counter) is 2. Third rem...

Working with Container Operation and Loop (Until) Steps - PART2

Note:   Before reading this document readers must study Part 1 of this document. i. e.(  Working with Container Operation and Loop (Until) Steps - PART1  ). This document will help us to learn how to execute and analyze a workflow . Steps: In Part 1 of this document we have seen how to build a workflow with  Container Operation and Loop (Until) Steps. 2. After  completely Building a workflow we can start our execution process . We have to press execute button(F8) to run the workflow. 3. Now we can see a screen as shown below. 4. This screen consists of the following tabs.      Input Data Tab. Here we have to fill in the importing input parameters. _wf_initiator , _wf_priority and _wi_group_id are default parameters. lv_counter  is the parameter created by us for keeping the loop count (This is discussed in Part 1 document-> ‘ ABAP Workflow For Beginners : Working with Container Operation and Loop (Until) Steps-PART1’) We can chan...

Working with Container Operation and Loop (Until) Steps - PART1

  Note   This document will help one to understand the use of Container Operation and  Loop (Until) step in Workflow Builder. The execution of the workflow will be discussed in Part 2 of the below document.   Steps: Go to Transaction code 'SWDD' and we can see the following screen.  SWDD is the Transaction code where we can build a workflow. 2. Click on the 'create new workflow' button which is on the top left of the screen as shown below.  3. Now our workflow builder screen looks as shown below. By clicking on the 'create new workflow' button the workflow step layout will be reset to the initial stage. 4. Now we have to right-click on 'undefined for new step' as shown below and click on     create or double click on it. 'Undefined- Double-click for new step' allows us to create required steps in sequence. This decides the flow of processes in our workflow. 5. Now a popup window will appear as shown below consisting of different step types for s...