Working with Fork

1. Create a workflow from SWDD T.code.

2. Select the fork step from the list provided.

3. The Fork Screen looks as shown below. Fill in all the details as shown.
  • As shown below, the Fork is used to introduce parallel branches in the workflow.
    • Step Name: Execute Parallel.
    • Parallel Branches: This will let us define the total number of parallel branches we want for the Fork in the workflow.
    • Step not in workflow log: Here if we select the check box, then this will exclude the step from the workflow execution log.
    • End Condition Section:
      • Necessary branches: This will let us define the total mandatory branches that have to be executed to complete the execution of the Fork Step.
      • Create a new condition: Here we can have a condition for the Fork Step to complete the execution.
      • Important Note for End Condition: To complete the execution of the Fork Step either all the necessary branches have to be executed OR the condition if mentioned in the "Create a new condition" section is true.
      • For a detailed explanation of how a condition is created and components of the 'Condition' please refer to "Working with Container Operation and Loop ( Until )" point 13/14/15.

4. Now click on the 'OK' button. We can see the workflow layout with three parallel fork branches.

5. Now we will add a mail step inside each parallel branch for our case.

6. Now the workflow layout looks as shown below.

7. Now save and activate the workflow.

8. Our first workflow is ready with a fork functionally. 
  • Now we can run it using execute button.
  • After execution we will find all the 3 sent Mail items all at once in "Business Workplace" Tcode: SBWP.
    Execute Button ( F8 )

Click Test Workflow and Click on Business workflow to see all the mails.


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