Working with Fork
1. Create a workflow from SWDD T.code.
2. Select the fork step from the list provided.
3. The Fork Screen looks as shown below. Fill in all the details as shown.
- As shown below, the Fork is used to introduce parallel branches in the workflow.
- Step Name: Execute Parallel.
- Parallel Branches: This will let us define the total number of parallel branches we want for the Fork in the workflow.
- Step not in workflow log: Here if we select the check box, then this will exclude the step from the workflow execution log.
- End Condition Section:
- Necessary branches: This will let us define the total mandatory branches that have to be executed to complete the execution of the Fork Step.
- Create a new condition: Here we can have a condition for the Fork Step to complete the execution.
- Important Note for End Condition: To complete the execution of the Fork Step either all the necessary branches have to be executed OR the condition if mentioned in the "Create a new condition" section is true.
- For a detailed explanation of how a condition is created and components of the 'Condition' please refer to "Working with Container Operation and Loop ( Until )" point 13/14/15.
5. Now we will add a mail step inside each parallel branch for our case.
- For a detailed how to create a mail step please refer to "Working with Container Operation and Loop ( Until )" point 23/24/25.
- Now we will create Mail steps for all the three parallel Fork branches.
6. Now the workflow layout looks as shown below.
7. Now save and activate the workflow.
- Now we can run it using execute button.
- After execution we will find all the 3 sent Mail items all at once in "Business Workplace" Tcode: SBWP.
Execute Button ( F8 )
Click Test Workflow and Click on Business workflow to see all the mails. |
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